I haven't been too inspired to paint these days, and this provides wonderful inspiration!

18" x 48" gouache and acrylic on bristol paper
Portrait of an Android Puppy:
32"x48" oil on canvas
And here's something I did two quarters ago (click for a larger image):
Acrylic on canvas
**Edit: I realize none of these paintings have my signature on them. Part of the reason I hesitate/forget to sign, is because I seldom get the feeling that a painting is "done". I constantly feel the need to add, to strip away, to cover, or to destroy, and that's a weakness of mine. Also, because most of these are done in art class and everyone in my classes don't seem to sign their works. During crit we all know who's who anyway and signing seems a little snobby. Whatever, I'll try to be better about that. :)